BBC Micro NES APU Tunes 1
2021, Sep 13
A selection of game music conversions from the Nintendo Entertainment System's APU to the BBC Micro's SN76489.
1) Mega Man 2: Dr. Wily Stage 1.
2) Duck Tales Moon Theme........
3) Silver Surfer - Title........
4) Pictionary - Title...........
5) Journey to Silius - Title....
6) Batman - Return of The Joker.
7) Solstice - Title Screen......
8) Castlevania III - Beginning..
9) Gremlins 2 - Cutscene Display
10) Target: Renegade - Title.....
11) Wolverine - Title............
12) Blaster Master - Area 1......
13) Alien 3 - Title..............
14) Magic Johnson's Fast Break...
15) Gremlins 2 - The Office......