BBC Micro AY-3-8910 Tunes 3
2021, Sep 21
BBC Micro AY-3-8910 Tunes 3 music conversions from the ZX Spectrum 128K's AY-3-8910/AY-3-8912 to the BBC Micro's SN76489.
1) Where Time Stood Still.......
2) Darkman......................
3) Netherworld..................
4) TechnoCop....................
5) Hard Drivin'.................
6) Spellbound...................
7) Tarzan.......................
8) Hostages - Ending............
9) Scramble Spirits.............
10) Space Harrier 2..............
11) Live and Let Die - Title.....
12) Combat School................
13) Star Paws....................
14) OutRun - Magical Sound Shower
15) OutRun - Splash Wave.........