BBC Micro Amstrad CPC Tunes 1
2021, Sep 26
BBC Micro AY-3-8912 Tunes 1 music conversions from the Amstrad CPC's AY-3-8912 to the BBC Micro's SN76489.
1) Hawkeye......................
2) Hybris Ingame Remix (Epyteor)
3) Hunter's Moon................
4) Batman Forever........Factor6
5) Shadow of the Beast - Track 1
6) Shadow of the Beast - Track 2
7) Shadow of the Beast - Track 3
8) Still Rising.................
9) Final Scroller 4 - Bomb Demo.
10) From Scratch.................
11) Phat 2.......................
12) Face Hugger - Part 1.........
13) iMPACT & CONDENSE xMas '19 v2
14) FOReVER XIII - Wolfenstrad...
15) Breaking Baud............CRTC